Sunday, June 10, 2012

Writing difficult scenes..

They are all difficult at the end of the book.  I've grown to believe that jokes were invented not by comedians, but by frustrated writers who have reached the final scenes of their novel.  "A gorilla walks into a bar..."  HAHAHAHAHA! Hysterical.

Now, of course we have the internet.  I sit, hunched over my laptop, typing away, then come to a part I just can't make right, and CLICK - I'm checking out the coffee my cousin had this morning.  "Ooo, how do they make fancy shapes in the frothy top?"

In the back of my mind I'm aware that trolling through my Twitter feed isn't helping me figure out the blocking of a scene in my book that consists of my characters exiting the hospital and walking to their car.  See?  I can actually complete the scene in one sentence.  Why do I feel the need to wax poetic on a seagull who is waiting out the rain under an overhang?

Because it's never as simple as people simply walking to a car.  They've got to be doing something.  That walk to the car has to mean something.  There needs to be a reveal.  We are at the point in the book when every scene is important.  There must be no wasted action.

I'M FREAKING OUT!  **deep breath**  Maybe I could start that short story that's been niggling at me?  OR MAYBE I COULD FINISH THE BOOK!  Must crack whip.


  1. Maybe they are day dreaming about how to end a story and walk past the ending of the story.

    1. That would explain the random blithering they are doing. :)
