Monday, June 6, 2011


I am the oldest child of the oldest child.  I've always felt a great deal of pressure to set an example for the others who followed me, to "always do the right thing" (as Spike Lee would say), and to set my feet squarely on the ground, put one foot in front of the other, not fall flat on my face...

All of these are good things, but sometimes you just have to rebel.  And even if it takes you several years, two children and three dogs later, you just have to do it.  So today, I did it.  I bucked conformity, the right way, the good way - I did things wrong and I'm a better person for it.

First, I mailed three letters with the stamps on upside down.  It was liberating.

Second, I added two items to my to-do list, exceeding my never to be exceeded total, knowing full well, that I would not accomplish either of them.  It felt devilish.

And third (and don't tell my sister or my mother who is in vegan hell right now) I had a latte with dairy instead of soy.  It was, well, it was a little uncomfortable later, but at the time it was daring.

So now, as I once again procrastinate by fiddling with things other than Book Two (A Bomb in February, coming in September, how's that for radical??!!) I am filled with thoughts of other rebellious acts I could partake in over the coming days.  Watch out world...I know you're scared...I am too...but it's time to put on my big girl underwear and make a mess of things.


  1. I'm not totally in vegan hell. My A1c was 6.8 and my triclycerides came down over 60 points, so it isn't all bad! :) But rebel away, baby - albeit in a safe and sensible way - and enjoy life. You deserve it!! :)l

  2. DAIRY!!!!!!!!!!!?????????? Outrageous! And yes, radical. Extreme. Living on the edge. How I admire your renegade behavior. My older sister...sigh.
