Sunday, June 17, 2012

Latest in evidence that I'm getting older...

Realized today that the reason I can't see the computer screen without blowing it up to 150,000 percent or leaning obscenely close to the monitor is not because my computer is set to super small type that only The Wasp can see, but that my eyesight is, in fact, failing me.

I'm getting older.  I will now order the Depends, because preparation is the key, people.  By the time I need the Depends my brain will be mush.  This way I can be sure to get the high quality diapers and not the frugally cheep ones my elderly brain will select (because I'll be on a fixed income and that's what you do).

I should talk to Scott about building a shed in the backyard to hold the elderly supplies.  I'll name it the Aged Shed.  It will sound kitchy and cool.

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