Wednesday, June 20, 2012

There is too much to tell you in one post.

But I will attempt to tell you everything.  First I'm in the St. Louis airport and a TSA inspector is letting us know that someone left a wooden "doodad" er "object" er "thingy" and she wants them to come back to the checkpoint and get it.  It is covered in glitter (and from the way she was stuttering I'm picturing gold glitter with a few zebra print accents).  And right afterward a different person came over the loudspeaker and asked for help with a liquid spill at the checkpoint.

I have a sudden urge to go strolling by to observe the mayhem for myself.  Sounds thrilling.

Second - We went to the Dodger game for Father's Day.  It was AWESOME - well, boring at first and really, really hot, but it was super exciting at the end and had everything we would want.  We all wore hats from my father's collection.  You can't see them well here, but they included a hat from the 1981 World Series (in which we stomped the Yankees) and a Cooperstown hat I bought him.  As my niece said - he had the best seat in the house.

This week I am in St. Louis and saw this...

And this...


Sarah graduated from 8th grade and we gave her the baby to hold as her award for all her hard work.  She is doing well.  My nephew's expression tells me several things.  First, he is feeling possessive.  Second, he is concerned over the amount of attention he is not getting, because really it is all about him.

And finally, and we're talking a big finally, my son just informed me that he met Ben Browder today at the bookstore and got book advice from him.  Um...this is unacceptable for many reasons, not the least of which is that he could not have fully appreciated the magnitude of the encounter.  I'm so jealous I'm green.  (But I'm secretly happy for him and know he knows I'm green with envy, because he had the forethought - read evil intent - to text me about it...and spelt Ben's last name wrong...can I call him Ben?)

And now a female passenger has left a plastic bag with a pill container with pills at the checkpoint...I'm not kidding.

1 comment:

  1. It is an old natural gas storage tank.
