Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Uploading Fun

As usual I'm mind boggling astonished at how long it takes to upload my books to Amazon and Barnes and Noble.  I am an intelligent woman.  This shouldn't reduce me to tears.

That said, January Kills Me (the first book in the series) has been uploaded and should be available in twenty-four hours or so.  I'm pretty sure you can refresh for free.  If not, don't worry about it.  I made changes so that I could feel better about what people were reading.  (I spelled curiosity wrong...how the spellchecker missed that one I don't know.)

If anyone has a Kindle and downloads the new version, can you tell me how it looks?  I had to jump through giant flames of fire and then finally uploaded an html version so that I didn't have to pull all of my hair out.

Now onto the next In-Between - Taser.  I can't wait.  My website says it will be available on Memorial Day.  My website knows things I don't even know.  There is a good chance my website is run by crazed zombie gnomes.


  1. Im curious to know if you are going for ibooks next. If not i'll try them at one of the other book sites.


  2. Hi Cicely,
    I'm going to publish on ibooks for the third book and at that I'm I'll put the other two on there. The formatting is a little different for Smashwords and I struggled a bit with Amazon and Barnes and Noble, so I was putting that off. But for sure it will be on there by October. Thank you!
