Sunday, November 27, 2011

And so it goes...

Our Thanksgiving was pleasant.  Great family time.  But we missed Dad...his quiet presence at the head of the table, the way he would point at items using mental telepathy to get us to pass them, and the way he would laugh at my sister's grace (which did not disappoint...this year she made us hold hands and began with "Ladies and Gentleman...").

I headed to the cemetery as soon as I woke up so that I could give Dad flowers.  In the quiet of the morning (with the faint melody of mariachi music floating over from the park), phrases came floating up.  "How about getting that for your ole dad."  "Hey bud."  "We're gonna head out."  I could hear his voice as clearly as if he were standing there.  It was a nice way to start the day.

I then started cooking, but my heart wasn't in it.  I suffered a minor melt down halfway through and had to lock myself in my office until I could smile again.  Once the family showed up, it felt better, and once we ate, we were able to smile and joke.

We then headed out on what has become a tradition, the Walk.  This year, the group entertained themselves by throwing the football to each other...until it became lodged in a tree.  The men had to go back for it (in the dark) and were able to retrieve it using a very long flag pole (and magic).

Dad's girls.
Then we went to see the Muppets, which started slow, but ended wonderfully (picked up right when the Muppet Show began).  We headed home singing "Mah-na Mah-na" much fun.

Then, my uncle called.  His voice wasn't strong and my aunt had to fill in what he meant to say, but it was him and at the sound of his voice I cried and cried on my sister's shoulder.  He's still recovering from his stroke, but is making great headway.

Overall, I think we did okay.  Happy Thanksgiving!

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