Wednesday, November 23, 2011


Tonight my house smells like the holidays.  Pumpkin spice, apple and pecan.  The pies are sitting on the stove top cooling.

When I was young I went through a phase where I didn't want cake for my birthday.  But I didn't like pie.  So we went with cream cheese for a few years.  But as with everything else, I grew tired of that.  I have an ever changing palate.  I'm not one of those people who can eat the same thing over and over for years.

Except for tea.  Iced tea, hot tea - I'm a fan.  HUGE fan.  Morning, noon...and night (I have one in my hand right now).  In fact, I drink way to much tea.

But I digress.


I can only eat pie if it is covered in a lot of whipped cream.  I'm not real picky.  I'm good with Cool Whip.  In fact, Cool Whip is really a dream desert.  Calories/Carbs - Low.  Taste - High.  Perfect.  If I'm honest, I eat more of the whipped cream than I do the pie.

But tomorrow we will have pie.  Pumpkin, cause the whole family loves it.  Apple for my mom and husband.  Pecan, for my brother-in-law.  He joined our celebration three years ago and Pecan is his favorite pie.  I had never made it before and had to hunt for recipes.  Finally found one (my boss's wife), and the result is wonderful.  (Ingredients include bourbon and chocolate...can't go wrong.)

The house really does smell good.


  1. The pie was delicious as was the entire dinner. Thanks.
    My hats off to the cook! :)

  2. The pie was AMAZING. Well, the pecan, anyway. Once I had a bite (no whip cream needed), I could eat no other. Broke my diet and it was well worth it!
