Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Wednesday Night Rant

I'm a Twitter fan.  For a person who shunned social media up until two years ago, I have now embraced much of it (although I doubt I will ever upload a video to You Tube...then again I have been dying to lip-sync Return to Sender wearing a spangly costume...mmmm).  I travel a lot for work and enjoy keeping in touch with my family.  Twitter made it possible to have a snarky thought and immediately send it to my poor family (followers).  I love to share with whoever wishes to follow me (except for the spammers...I will block them with gusto).  But having said this, I do not enjoy those who follow me only so that I'll follow them back.  I'm not a joiner.  I have anti-conformist tendencies.  I'm a rebel...okay, a nerd.  I don't typically do what others are doing Just Because.  To date that has served me well and I don't plan on changing.  So if you follow me for two days then unfollow me, then follow me, then unfollow me - go right ahead.  I'm not bothered, nope.  Nuh-uh.  (But I find it all a little ridiculous and I mentally mock you.)
My sister and I are fans of this gentleman.  He knows our Uncle in Wyoming.
Thank you Craig Johnson for signing a book for our dad.  Means a lot.

1 comment:

  1. I'm listening to Dark Horse right now. I enjoy his protagonist, Walt Longmire and his sense of humor. Love you! :)
