Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Anniversary Kayak Trip

For our anniversary this year I wanted to kayak the sea caves in La Jolla.  It sounded like a wonderful adventure, full of mystery and beautiful scenery.  As the event neared, the situation with my father became more serious and I began to dread the trip, didn't want to be away from him.  Ultimately I'm glad we went, because if we hadn't we would not have this ridiculous story to tell.

First, it was true sea kayaking where you have to paddle through the surf to reach the clear ocean.  Second, the caves were not something you could kayak through (which for some reason was what I had been envisioning).  And Third, I looked like a total knob with my blue helmet and red life vest.

I managed to paddle out into the ocean fine.  It was coming back in that I took a wave wrong and was thrown, sputtering into the ocean.
Total Knob.
I was very seasick by this point and disappointed that we wouldn't be paddling past high canyon walls into shadowy caves.  Disappointment and swells = Dry heaving.
There they are...the caves...dang blast them.
Just tie a line to me and drag me in...Uhhhhhhh
Oh, look seals!
Once back on dry land, I felt fine, but was soaked.  We had not anticipated this...we hadn't anticipated any of it - so we had to change our clothes in the back seat of the Honda Pilot, which is FYI not very roomy for forty-somethings.  I almost gave up and nearly stepped out of the car to pull up my pants.  For the sake of my children I battled on.  Pull, squinch, pull, shift, pull...  Scott's turn was more interesting.  At one point a city bus stopped next to the car when he was completely nude.  I was outside of the car at this point and thought it was extremely funny.  That's right, take a picture, that's MY man.

We later went to the movies and that was when I realized we were sunburned - 3rd degree.  We hobbled our way from Cowboys and Aliens to a supermarket to buy aloe and were so desperate we almost applied it while in the checkout line.

Lesson's learned - I don't do well in rough water on the sea.  One should always apply sun screen (Ahem, Duh).  AND a grown woman should not wear a blue helmet on the ocean.  It is offensive and disturbing and I'm surprised that the ecological foundation doesn't have a rule against it.


  1. Blue Helmet and red vest is great. I worked at the lock and dam and we all wore red vests 8 hours a day. It was the uniform of the day. David and I did some kayaking in our teens and we played chicken with the harbor boats (not on purpose). I turn green in the ocean.

  2. Love it! That's enough reason to get me and Chad to go kayaking! ~Adrienne

  3. I would love to hear about the kayaking trips you and Uncle Dave went on Dennis. And yes, everyone should kayak.
