Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Vacation time!

Preparing for the scavenger hunt in the park.  No one was able to get a picture of a bald man.
Alex and Jake
Metal sculpture in Dallas.  The woman I was with was driving at the speed of sound, so I'm lucky I managed to get this photo.
Going on vacation is very stressful.  By noon on the last day of work it seems as if the to-do list grows exponentially.  Today at two o'clock my whiteboard was covered in last minute essential items...one of which involved a spreadsheet (and we all know that required much more brainpower than I was capable of, we're lucky it was legible at all).  But, on the flip side, when you can turn your computer off and sit down at the dinner table facing five seven solid days off, the deep breath and cold beer are WONDERFUL.

This will be one of the busier weeks off, but hopefully filled with a great deal of joy.

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