Sunday, May 29, 2011

Kansas, a hike and news...of a sort

First Kansas - Stayed in a different location, the Plaza.
Nice green area to walk dog or hike...I did neither of these things.
Over several doors - reminded me of tile work in the 20's.
This is the little sculpture called - Quiet Talk or Time...
The weather on Thursday was amazing.  Blue sky and warm air.  It has been a few months since I could head out of a hotel in the morning for a walk, so I did not miss my chance.  I passed a bronze of a warthog which is one of only three replicas of a similar bronze warthog in Florence.  You're supposed to rub it's nose and drop a coin (for a children's charity).  I didn't have a coin on me and there was a Zeus sculpture right nearby so I didn't rub the warthog for fear he would smite me.  Next time, Zeus, I will not fear you.

A few blocks away I found a coffee shop called Land e Latte and ordered a mocha with soy.  I'm not a fan of mocha with soy.  Would rather have milk, but since I can't have milk, I had soy.  To compensate for this I had a beer in the airport prior to my flight (which is pretty rare for me).  I'm not sure why the beer balanced out the soy, but it did.  Sadly it was Bud Light and I'm not a fan of Bud Light.  Tonight, however, I plan on having two Miller Lites to compensate.  Again, not sure why the math works out with regard to cosmic balancing, but not questioning it.

This morning Mandy, Jake and I went on a hike.

Throwing rocks.
 We made it to the mile marker and stopped to pass out and vomit.  Okay, that was just me.  The other two started throwing rocks at a tall flower about 20 feet down the ravine.  The goal was to hit the stalk.  We were at it for some time when a very nice couple stopped by to join us.  Eventually it was just us again and when Mandy finally struck it we all screamed.  From far away, the other couple screamed back at us in congratulations.

I need to explain the passing out comment.  The Chumash Trail heads straight up for the first half mile and then there is another straight up portion.  I'm terrible for the first mile.  Then I burp, get a second wind and am fine for the next three.  I swear.  Happens every time.  Too much information?

And finally, the news.  Thanks to friends, family and word of mouth, I've sold over 60 books in the first month on line (Amazon and Barnes and Noble - love them).  I can't wait to entertain them with February (whose edits are coming along nicely).

PSS - Apparently I have spelled caterpillar wrong somewhere.  To know how much this makes me giggle, is to know the story of my youth (and most of adulthood) and my inability to pronounce this poor creatures name.  Should be simple, but simple is boring and calerpitter is so much more descriptive.


  1. It's on the Evankaty blog page! :) Great post, as usual. Congrats on the 60 sold!! ::))
