Wednesday, May 25, 2011

It's raining again

In Kansas City.  It's been raining off and on all day and right now the rain is pouring down in sheets outside my hotel window.  The hotel I'm in was originally built as an apartment building in the 1920's.  It is in an interesting area of town called the Plaza.  Here and there along the street are various sculptures and artwork.  One was a woman holding a child with the title "Quiet Time".

The flight in was surprisingly uneventful.  This was my view across most of Kansas...

Then we started our descent.  I was admittedly a little nervous after all of the horrible tornadoes over the past few days.  Also, it looked like this...

But it was a very smooth landing.  After landing I learned that sirens were going off in various areas of town, but thankfully not where I was.

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