Tuesday, May 31, 2011

More than you want to know...

The past few days I've been working hard to make up for the sloth that was the previous four weeks by exercising every chance I get.  Saturday was a two mile walk to the Habit for lunch (I had a salad).  Sunday was the two mile hike on the Chumash Trail (which as previously discussed nearly killed me).  Yesterday was a four and a half mile trek on the route in my neighborhood we like to call the Thanksgiving Walk (during which we discussed ideas for Steam-punk stories).  And today was Zumba ZUMBA (which since I can't dance AT ALL was hell for everyone but me).  I especially enjoy the part where you have to flick your butt backward.  Thankfully it was just Mandy behind me, because I get a bit too aggressive with that move.  It's dark too, so that helps (although Sarah still said I embarrassed her).

If this were a video game I would get a trophy entitled *Embarrassed your child while demonstrating wild, abandoned dance moves.*Ching!*

I'm making progress on Pirates Lego's, still beating Jake by twenty percent with only 19 more percentage points to go till I finish in a blaze of Lego glory.

Watched Space Shuttle Endeavor launch and plan on watching her land tonight.  Since she's going to be housed in California it seems only right to see the beginning and ending of her last flight.  (Plus you really can't wear the crown of super-geek unless you experience chills when the astronaut radios Houston and says the "Commander is downstairs putting on his suit.")

Editing chapter seven of February - in which we get to know Skipper a little bit better and Sam buys him a drink. Calamity is sure to befall them. (Spoiler alert.)

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