Friday, November 12, 2010

Home Again

This week was Chicago.  Fortunately the weather was fine.  I didn't even need the jacket I'd brought.  On both flights a lady sat next to me doing a crossword puzzle.  On the flight home I panicked for a moment thinking it might be the same woman and that she was possibly stalking me.  Why on earth someone would stalk me didn't cross my mind, just that it would be a little creepy.  Thankfully, it was a different woman...I'm pretty sure.

I really love flying into LAX.  Not only is it one of the more reliably smooth descents in the country, it is also city and street lights from thirty minutes out, which I've discovered is unique.  Typically we fly in over Palm Springs, then over Fontana (you can see the speedway), the Ontario airport is next (fun to see the planes taking off and landing thousands of feet below), then West Covina (Hi Mama), Whittier, and finally Los Angeles - Downtown, Train yard, Centinela Hospital, the race track, the 405...the landing strip.

Had vegetables, soup and hot tea for dinner.  Being sick blows.

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