Friday, September 10, 2010

KROQ Seattle and Bike Cops

I'm sick.  I hate it.  I could feel myself getting sick on Saturday and unwisely thought that I could prevent it from happening by exercising more.  Now I'm sick and all of my muscles are sore.  I'm doubly pathetic.

But that's not why I'm here.  I love KROQ.  Have listened since I was a twelve year old.  While my friends were listening to Madonna and whatever other hooey was playing I was happy with REM, Nirvana and the folks that sang Blister in the Sun (can't remember who...I'm sick, remember?).

I don't get to listen anymore.  Working from home and heading for the airport at four in the morning mean that all the fun stuff they do doesn't get to be appreciated by me.  So every once in a while I check the KROQ web page.  Today I found a post that combined my love for Seattle (my favorite city in the world) Adam Corolla (who would be funny just reading the paper...I mean his voice is funny) and cops (who I write about and wish not to make fun of, but Adam is correct in his sum up of events).

So go here and enjoy.  COUGH...HACK...SNIFFLE...GROAN  Leave me, save yourself.

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