Wednesday, September 8, 2010


Things heard tonight at bedtime:

"Mom, you forgot to spin my disco ball." - Sarah

"Don't start a new level." - Scott to Jake

"Lie down so I can apply some ointment." Me to Sarah because she cut her leg in Hip Hop tonight.

"Brushum Teethum"  Me - making my Native American ancestry proud.

"Sit down so I can read to you." Sarah to me regarding chapter 124 of Maximum Ride.

During that reading - "I hate to interrupt, but look at this." - Jake showing us a giant bubble coming out of the toothpaste tube.

"What happened to your bed, Jake?" - Scott

"Toe fuzz!" - Jake

Then this conversation took place as I was tucking Jake in:

Jake: "They're from a different country."
Me: "What country?"
Jake (shrugging): "I don't know, differentburg."

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