Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Meeting Day

"A sixteen gauge needle is like a garden hose with a point on it." Was the highlight of an otherwise dismal meeting. That and seeing my lovely cousin for an hour. Of course watching her turn into a Popsicle stick wasn't fun - it was super cold in the room. I was shivering at the end of the four hours...yes, four hours.

Uses for your commune when you're old...hire a live in nurse and it becomes a handy dandy convalescent home. (This was discussed with a friend during the above meeting when we were short on oxygen because of the freezing temperature of the room. Made sense at the time...)

Jake's already at 60% on Harry Potter Legos...I've been playing furiously and am only at 26%. WHY OH WHY? [INSERT HAND LAID PATHETICALLY ON FOREHEAD.]

Wound my way through ugly sections of LA, then a long blue painted line through endless parking lots to get to the Dodger ticket office to exchange my Costco tickets for real tickets. Long line and man in front of me must have made forty calls to his buddies during the twenty minutes we were waiting. "Is Manny coming? Is he bringing Sue?" "Should we just do Craig's List? Okay okay, check it out and call me back." "What? When? Who? Seriously? Gross. Is he going to get that checked out?" When it was his turn at the window he gestured for me to go ahead because "I'm waiting for a call..." Of course you are, freak.

Then to cap off the day a connecting flight to Seattle. First flight was fine. Read my book. Landed in Oakland. Had time to get tea. Second flight I slept with mouth open and probably drooled on my neighbor. Poor poor man. They should really seat me with a warning sign above my head. "Open mouth drooling and snoring quite possible. Put on poncho and wear ear plugs. You've been warned."

1 comment:

  1. I hate you both. I think I'm at 23%. Ridiculous. Plus I love you. Thank you for being you.
