Saturday, July 24, 2010

Family Softball Game - Video Two

We didn't discuss much before hand, just that everyone should come, we'd be playing with whiffle balls and bats, and it would be fun. I forgot to buy beer so we cleaned out what I had in the refrigerator and downed it all quickly (cheering the newly engaged and the one who's moved from MN) before we left for the kid's school.

Sarah and Jake quickly picked teams and then played a lightning fast round of rock paper scissors to determine who was to bat first (Sarah's team). And then in typical family style we played a VERY serious game of ball. There was near mauling (me and one half of the newly engaged at 3rd...and I still got her out...YESSSS), there was a deep fly to the region of nowhere land, and there were many catches, throws and great plays.

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