Saturday, October 29, 2011

I registered at Good Reads this evening.  There were so many nice people on there commenting and rating my book I felt I needed to check in.  But registering involves choosing a profile pic and I find this extremely difficult.  I chose the one above.  I hate the fact that I'm wearing sunglasses in it, but on the bright side my teeth look white.  The flyaway hair adds to the sense of mystery, I think.  What is she doing?  Where is she?  (In this case I was in a garden in Minnesota.  True fact: At the very moment this was taken I was worried about a bee hovering inches from my ear.  It was fairly stressful.  I take a better picture when my life in in danger.)

It was an exhausting week and made more so because I was still fighting my cold.  The flight attendant on the way home enjoyed singing.  She repeatedly used the intercom as an effective torture device.  As we were landing (and below 10,000 feet, thus unable to listen to that which could save us) she told us her name was Lindy with a Y and that we could look her up on You Tube.  I had been listening to a podcast (Nerdist) and was planning on going to You Tube anyway to look up Jimmy Fallon (genius).  But tonight, as I write this, I wonder...did she know her social networking message would haunt me?

I'm getting a lot of questions about when March will be available.  I'm hoping for June.  My calendar says June.  I plan on working very hard to make sure it happens in June.  I'm currently 8,000 words in and so far, they've discovered the dead body (which is not a spoiler cause it happens in the first chapter and is really the start of the mystery and would be uncovered in the book blurb anyway) and done a bunch of other stuff (I can't say any more cause that would be spoilerish and I've sworn that I wouldn't spoil things - I swore this to my sister who can be very intimidating when she wants to be).

Oh, and I'm a USA Today Bestseller.  Um...yeah.  WHOOO HOOO!!!!


  1. I posted a comment the wrong day. I stop by every day. I have Google Reader which lets me know when my wife or sister post. My sister and I are brother and sister close sometimes OK and sometimes, "Will you stop ....??"
    She lives across the state. Anyway I stop by Google Reader and that lets me know when my cursor jumps into netherland.

  2. I love your comments Dennis. Love them!!!

  3. I'm a "fan"! And your most loyal stalker.
