Friday, June 4, 2010

Finding a picture - Harder than it should have been.

This morning at 6:30am I was asked to submit an entertaining picture of myself to be displayed while I spoke during a conference call. As soon as I read that request my mind began to file through all the possibilities. Should I send the picture of me with the cow?

Self portrait at Tillamook Cheese Factory.

But would it be too humorous? Would the people I worked with still respect me? Not likely. I mean and a fiberglass cow? So I decided against this one. Maybe more of an action shot...

Self portrait at Lake Mead

Could I look more horrible? I mean it makes me laugh hysterically to see this photo, but I look so bad it hurts. This would never do. So then I thought about how much I look like my sisters. Maybe I could substitute a photo of one of them and pretend it was me?

Guess who?

Would this have been so wrong? I mean, she's cute, doing cute things...I realized at this point of the morning that I was obsessing. It had only been a mere three minutes and I was already considering sending pictures of my dogs to stand in for me. What could be more entertaining that three silly canines?

I finally decided on this one, which I think worked. But I really hope I never have to do this again. If it does I will be forced to see a therapist.


  1. Good choice, hon. You look gorgeous!

  2. I find it hard to believe you didn't submit the Tigger picture. (Billy Idol! Billy Idol!)

    I like the cow picture. Then again, I like cows. They're inherently funny.

  3. The tigger picture!!!! AHHHHHH. I think I have the only copy in existance. MUHAHAHAH. The power.

    Thanks Mom!

  4. I want to see the Tigger picture!
