Tuesday, June 29, 2010

Nutritional Guidance

Um...junk food bad...fruit and vegetables good...right...I got it.

I think the other thing I will work on in July is understanding food and the choices I make. I travel too much to be able to keep a consistent diet. Plus I've become so concerned with potentially eating foods that upset my stomach that I make safe choices ALL THE TIME. Spicy? No. Bubbly? No - especially not on planes. Ranch? No. And the list goes on.

Lately excitement is onion rings. Love them and they feel different than a sandwich. Plus they are fairly safe. I mean it's an onion. Vegetable...check. Helps if I ignore the fact that they are fried.

NEWS - What came out today? Why Harry Potter Lego PS3 Game. Do we have it? Uh...no. Will it arrive when I'm in Utah? Of course!

And I played Rock Band today...the drums...fingers got numb, but it was fun. May do it again.

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