Sunday, October 20, 2013

The cliff notes...

Reasons why I haven't blogged in a while:

I started a new job about three months ago.  Not with a new company, but a new job.  It involved a lot of travel.

I got a cold that lasted FOREVER and annoyed the %*#@ out of me.

I decided that about thirty thousand of the words I'd written for April were going to be unusable due to a shift in the story line, that was very necessary.  I started over.  The second time around was magic and things are much better now.

I thought I was done with my middle grade science fiction story and signed up for a UCLA class (which we will get to in a minute), but then after a meeting with my writers group (all wonderful people) was alerted to a MAJOR flaw in my storyline and had to rewrite three chapters.  Which doesn't sound like much, but it took me all weekend.  I'm still working on it, even though I had a goal of being done (but as you can see I procrastinate when I'm stressed..thus the blog entry).

We went to Disneyland as a Giant Taco.  It was epic, people would pass us and laugh as they discovered the ingredients. 
There are more reasons, but this is already too long.

I was moping around the house today, feeling like I'm behind with everything and accomplishing nothing, but my husband reminded me that I made soup today (chicken sausage vegetable soup) and that wasn't a small feat.  It made me feel better.  Because even though chopping vegetables isn't difficult, it is time consuming (and I have to be careful, because I'm prone to chopping my finger).

So here's to the little things!

Now about that UCLA class - Grrrrr is all I can say without swearing.

1 comment:

  1. Tom, that's me enjoys every minute of the day. We have a body that functions even when we are chopping veggies or sitting on the pot. The fact that my body still functions is a nice thing and should be bowed to at all the alters at Disney World.
    On the planet that I occupy space on makes my day. So the turn of planet events rain on me occasionally and keep me informed.
