Monday, August 6, 2012

Four years ago...

This easily could be from this year, and yet it was Halloween just after the Beijing Olympics.  Jake had eight medals around his neck.  I suggested that we recycle these costumes, but we collectively decided that we're going to be the Avengers this year.  The girls each want to be Black Widow, Jake wants to be Director Fury, and the baby will be The Hulk (because that is awesome...DON'T MAKE ME MAD! pout BABY SMASH!).

I haven't decided what I'm going to assistant of some kind, I'm sure.  There needs to be more female super heroes.

I have allowed myself procrastination time, thus I am procrastinating.


  1. Yes, I will be a lab assistant, but if we wanted to, we could feminize any superhero we wanted. GIRL SMASH! Hmmm...doesn't have the power or humor of Baby Smash. Thor's girlfriend it is.

    1. I have decided we will both be SHIELD operatives. Simple costume - gym pants, boots and a sweatshirt with SHEILD in white letters on the back. BAM! Redneck costume design done. Oh, and since it's Disneyland we can't bring guns, but we can bring lightsabers. Woot!
