Tuesday, April 17, 2012


Babies were in my house this weekend.  Tiny, little, cute things that cried and slept and needed their diapers changed.  My cousin brought his daughter up to see us and my sister brought her new son over.  IT WAS BABY MAYHEM.

It was also a birthday week for my wonderful niece so I made her a cake.  Even my girlfriend didn't believe that I did.  BUT I DID!  I used super-mad-skills to do the eyes (and toothpicks). We had a Harry Potter dinner with butter beer (made by my sister).  So good.

Tonight I'm editing, then going to the gym (because I had a burrito for lunch before going out to eat with my mother at which time I had a salad so I could pretend I didn't have the burrito - I'm serious when I say I have a 10am burrito habit...I should seek help).  After that (and a shower) I'll be writing my way out of a tense scene involving angry Russians and a splintery shed.

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