Friday, March 30, 2012

Book News

I am issuing a new version of January Kills Me on May 1st.  Minor changes only, so don't worry about refreshing it on your reader.  I'll, at least, feel better about the little fixes that should have been done, but I never had time to, and the new readers (who won't be any the wiser) will be like "Huh, this doesn't need to be fixed."

Also, March is now completely outlined.  The first draft should be done by the end of April and the final draft should be completed six months after that.  I will tentatively say here that the release date should be October 1st...or the 31st.  Now that I think about it Halloween has a GREAT ring.

Done.  Halloween it is.

Personal note - The more I write, the better I feel about writing and being a writer.  It is true what they say about editing never being done, but after looking at January for just a few minutes I could see things that I should have fixed then, but couldn't because I didn't know what I know now.

My girlfriend just signed with an agent (I'm so happy for her I could spin and spin with my arms flung wide going "WEEEEEEEE," but I won't because that would be silly and embarrassing for my children who are already ashamed at my happy dance - which I do frequently, on purpose, to annoy them).  I asked my friend (the one with an agent) if I should put myself out there again, try to attract an agent of my own and she of course said "yes" (being the nice supportive person she is).  But the answer is obviously YES.  I knew that. BUT, I first need to go back and fix what I need to fix, so that my prospective agent is wowed when they see my submission and then proceed to irritate their whole office by shouting "Holy Moly!!  Why didn't I see this sooner?!!  Who is the cretin that kept this from me?!!"

1 comment:

  1. Can you refresh e-books in your reader?

    I love your writing. I hope you find an agent that will represent you since I think it would open you up to a whole bunch of new readers/fans. Good luck.

    Can't wait for March in October. ;)
