Sunday, April 1, 2012

Editing, Revising and Writing

My family is on BABY WATCH 2012.  My sister is due to give birth any day now and we are all on edge.  I cannot wait to meet my new little niece or nephew.

The madness that is editing.
I edited March, revised and edited January and wrote a new scene this weekend.  I also went to my niece's high school production of Wizard of Oz and was completely enchanted by the kids.  They were all phenomenal, the sets were great and the costumes beautiful.

My husband may deny this, but I believe he might have a man-crush on that Holmes guy (the Canadian that fixes homes).  Every time he has control of the remote he manages to find the blond, manly man wearing overalls and talking about how he will do it the right way.  He fights the righteous fight against the criminal contractors and puts money back in the hands of the little people--er, homeowners.  Of course, every time I have the clicker I switch to NCIS, cause my love for Mark Harmon is admittedly unseemly.  So I guess we're even.

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