Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Baby Max

My dad should have been here.  We found out my sister was pregnant just a few days before he left us.  Dad was super happy to hear the baby was coming and hoped to be here...and he should have been.  I know my entire family wishes he had made it.

Because a little boy who carries his name was born this afternoon.  My sister displayed such wonderful grace throughout her pregnancy.  What an emotional roller coaster.  Between losing our father, working full time, raising two dogs and a teenager (a beautiful teenager), she barely had time for herself and yet every time I'd see her she would calmly talk about what they were doing to prepare the house and their lives.  And always with a smile.  Her husband was also happy.  We found their joy infectious.

A sister with her brother.
Sarah and Alex tell Jake how to hold Max.
Jake does a wonderful job with his little cuz.
We knew today would be emotional, but I don't know if we anticipated how much.  Max will never know his Papa, but he can grow up knowing that his Papa loved him.  We will try very hard to make sure he knows what that means.

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