Thursday, January 5, 2012

Kauai - Day One

The first day of any adventure is typically a travel day and ours was no exception.  We awoke early after little sleep, braved Los Angeles traffic, made it to the airport with just enough time to check our bag and use the restroom before rushing to the gate.  My sister and I had aisle seats and she was just across the aisle from me.  I fell asleep early on and awoke to this view:

The entire row had vanished leaving only their possessions.  Eventually they returned...whew. :)

The row in front of us included two surfers who met on the flight and were instantly best friends and two Russian rich boys with hockey player noses.  The surfers went to the bathroom together and came back smelling like weed.  They proceeded to order several more drinks and set up a small speaker system entertaining several rows with their musical tastes.  Finally one of them passed out and all became quiet.  The Russians spent most of their time laughing at the surfers and watching movies (and pushing their chairs back into our knees and then leaving inexplicably for several minutes at a time).  Oh, and one of them kept spraying their face with water.

The couple next to me passed their time talking loudly to their friends in the row behind them (they were going golfing tomorrow, they had been on a cruise...)  My sister sat next to a wonderfully nice person from Texas and a lovely lady with lots of suggestions on activities.  Lucky dog.

We rented a Jeep.

Our hotel was exactly five left hand turns from the airport.  We checked in, threw our things all over the room and went down to eat a light lunch at Duke's.  As we sat at the beachfront cafe dining on crab wontons, fries and fish tacos we people watched.  Our eyes were drawn to the woman in peach pants lying on the beach like a dead person.  Thankfully her children soon arrived and revived her with bags of chips.

I took a few moments to complain to the hotel manager that our "Ocean View" room did not have a view of the ocean, but that was a minor issue.  The rooms are very nice and I can hear the ocean, so really we have an Ocean Sounds room, which is very soothing.  Tonight, more Duke's, tomorrow, we check out the island.

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