Saturday, February 19, 2011

San Jose

Outside San Jose Airport
They recently remodeled San Jose's airport and in my humble opinion, they got everything right.  The ceilings are high, the seats are comfortable (and many have outlets in the hand-rests...see previous post), and there are plenty of choices for food and beverages.

Inside San Jose Airport
This isn't the best picture, but this robotic thingymajigy was just outside security.  When you stood up under it small fans would start to whirl on the upper arms and you could see yourself on a video screen set into the 'mouth.'  You can see a much better picture of it here.  The fourteen year old in me wanted it to move so I could giggle and scream.

She was determined to win the staring contest with Stacy.
The only thing I can complain about was the one TSA agent manning the long security line.  Because there was only one person, we had plenty of time to amuse ourselves with this tiny human.  While still, she would give us the super forehead creased frown all babies know, then whenever her mother would lift her car seat and move her forward an inch, her whole face would erupt into a smile.  As soon as she was set down again, we got the frown.

LAX at sunset.
And this was my parting shot for the day.  The colors were so pretty.  Calm before the storm.

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