Monday, August 2, 2010

Dodger Day

First let me file this under things I won't be doing in Portland...EVER.

Had to go to Dodger Stadium for work today. Felt a little more like play. We had a terrific behind the scenes tour on the way to meeting with the trainers. My Los Angeles rep kept saying that it all looked very much like the movies. About halfway through the hallway to the trainer's office I realized we were in the locker room. Fortunately for them it was mostly empty, because the ten year old in me wanted to scream and take pictures of everything and everyone.

I was mostly cool, but turned bright red when my rep confused the term "Visitors" and thought they were referring to the fans in the crowd. She's cute. She got away with it. I think they actually liked it that she didn't know anything.

Loved the lady that guided us through. I want to be that beautiful when Sarah is twenty.

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