Friday, June 25, 2010

Nerds on a Plane

On my flight home today I sat next to a man reading a technical manual about Spacetime.  I was reading Rocket Men (by Craig Nelson) and felt that we made a great pair.  My book was not as visually impressive, however.  His manual had several charts, graphs and illustrations and mine had only words.  What words though.

Did you know...that of the hundreds of pictures of the brave astronauts who made it to the moon's surface only one of them is a decent photograph of Neil Armstrong - the first guy.  And that picture is one he took of himself, a reflection in Buzz's visor. (pg 278).  The famous photo, the one of the space man and the flag...that is Buzz Aldrin.

When I wasn't procrastinating by reading about the marvels of flying through space, I was outlining the last three chapters of February.  And yes, there are three.  Originally I thought I could do it in two, but I was wrong.

So here it is:  First they meet in the police station...then they meet at Sam's house...then they are at Maxie's house...Seriously, that's all you get.  Oh and someone gets to do some serious damage to Big Steve.

And to my husband and Andrea...I will never and I mean NEVER eat fried alligator.  I don't care what you say.

Finally - Why oh why isn't there a decent sci fi show on television?  One with a hero and team of warriors (preferably military or military like) that I can get behind.  I miss Farscape.  I miss Shepard and McKay.  I want to see the battle between good and evil and I want evil defeated every time, preferably in the last five minutes of each episode.  I want the hero to be noble and self sacrificing, yet secretly long to just be able to ask the heroine out on a date instead of standing by her side blowing the heads off the bad guys.  Can someone please make this happen?  I'm begging you.  I would like it to air on Friday nights and I have some opinions about who should star in it.

Just saying.

1 comment:

  1. Two words: Dr. Who. Not a lot of shooting, but there is a sonic screwdriver.

    We've been catching up on Stargate Universe. Seriously, there are only two characters I sort of like on the show, one I might like, one I want to slap upside the head, and I pretty much hate everyone else. Such a badly written show.
