Saturday, November 19, 2011

It's Fall People

Fall means orange and red leaves, cloudy skies and sweaters.  It means comfort food and hot tea.  It means friends and family.

It also means I must get serious.  SERIOUS!  March does not seem to be able to write itself.

At first I couldn't tell why I was unable to get past a certain scene.  I tried for the entire week to get them on the road, out of the house, STOP TALKING FOR CRYING OUT LOUD!  But the incessant chit chat continued unabated.

So I backtracked and found it.  That elusive piece of the puzzle.  Now that it is written, I should be able to move forward.  I'll let you know how it goes.

Funny how writing is.  The story takes on a life of its own once you start putting pen to paper.  The outline I start with is not the outline I finish with.  And there are tons of little surprises.  Such as, the beagle.  I knew the beagle would be in this book (a suggestion from a friend who promotes my books in her bookstore even though they don't sell on her shelves - she is the best!), but I didn't know who the beagle would end up with.  In fact, I still don't...but I mostly do...I hope.

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