Saturday, June 4, 2011

Writing Funny

As I've said before I'm taking a class on how to write funny.  The instructor is very patient with us as he explains (sometimes over and over again) why things work and how to go about structuring sentences, paragraphs and scenes for maximum effect.  During an exercise in class Thursday night we were asked to write for ten minutes with the prompt "What came before the Big Bang."  What I wrote made me giggle so I thought I'd share (and for reference I do not know a body builder named Chad from Texas...but I would like to).
    I've often wondered what occupied the space we exist in before there was, well, space.  My mind simply doesn't work the way a scientist's does and I cannot fathom quantum realities, multiple dimensions or gravitational pulls.  Besides, those topics are boring to most attractive men and, if we're being honest, I don't want to be the one in the corner of the room conversing with the guy who has the "great mind."  I'd rather be knocking back a beer with Chad, the body builder from Texas, guessing that the big bang was really the after effects of God's trip to the Mexican buffet.    Because really, who knows?  Certainly not Chad who, not surprisingly, has a theory of his own.  "I think we are an alien's zit and got popped."   "Holy crap," I say, clutching my beer.   Chad nods sagely and continues.  "A really smart alien who ate a lot of spicy food, cause we're all so different."   I choose not to remind my new boyfriend Chad that the universe consists of more than just us, spicy pimple people.

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