Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Rant #4893

General Hospital has completely blown it and I can honestly say I will now stop watching.  I know, I know...I said I was going to stop watching earlier in the year.  It was one of my resolutions, but I had hope, perhaps stupid faith that they would turn it around.  BUT I WAS WRONG!  I think the writers think they are writing for a space opera, arrogantly attempting to combine socially relevant story lines with craptastic relationship drama for the betterment of their own egos.  And now I find out they are about to break up the ONE couple I watched them for.  WHY???!!!!!

If I could have their attention for one minute I would point out that we watch because we want to believe in something more romantic, more emotionally driven and more substantially positive than what we find in nighttime crime dramas.  Angst does not equal stupidity.  Entertaining dialogue and character interaction cannot and should not take a back seat to perpetuating snarky, weirdly obsessive psycho energy.  Because...we will stop watching.  If we have any control.  And I have control...I do.  HONEST!

But maybe the more important question is why do I watch in the first place?  I wonder this often.  I don't read romance novels (except for the ones my friends write), I don't like emotionally based television shows and I avoid public displays of affection.  Me watching soap operas doesn't compute.  I'm confused.

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