Wednesday, September 29, 2010

Today in Seattle

First weird sighting of the day - The Starbucks Truck on Olive.  I found this website that explains what is happening, and I was thankful I did, because at first I thought it was some hippie leftover from the early Starbucks days.  I didn't see the construction that is shown on the website, but then again, I was staring open mouthed at the dirty yellow van.

Had lunch at my favorite restaurant in Seattle.  The fireplace, the Irish music, the service, the pretty setting - it is all so wonderful.  Mandy and I came across it a couple of years ago.  It's only a few blocks away from a wonderful REI store (which I didn't get to visit).


Across the street is a community garden and until today, I'd never seen anyone in it.  But low and behold, as the sun came out and the sky turned blue, the little garden was bustling with activity.  There was a man walking a beautiful yellow lab, a couple strolling and admiring the flowers and what looked like several people tending their garden.
We had to circle the airport for quite a while this morning before we could land, but the morning cloud cover turned into beautiful blue sky in the afternoon.  And unlike home, it smelled like fall.  So wonderful.

Had dinner at a restaurant called Blue Water Bistro.  It sounds a lot better than it was.  Instead of the french, cozy water cottage I was envisioning, this Bistro was a faux, old London, basement restaurant with a slim view of Union Lake.

Little too much work to have fun today, but was tempted to bolt from the car and escape to the ferry.  Maybe tomorrow I'll be brave enough.


  1. Hey, that's our garden! And our restaurant! How cool, Kathy. Maybe we can go back someday together.
