Friday, July 30, 2010


There is a country song in this somewhere. Scott and Sarah are broken down in Clovis. The last day of their trip, they make it out of the mountains, only to break down on the way home. Tragic. And sad for me, cause I really miss them. Jake and I are nerd geek buddies and we enjoy the solitude of a video game or a computer. That's fine for a while, but after a day of that you need the Scott and Sarah version of fun. They balance us...complete us...WAAAAAAA!

Have completely failed to watch any television this summer. I'm not sure if that is because of the travel schedule (which starts up again next week) or because I so desperately need to finish February (in order to start the fifty-seven thousandth rewrite of January and when I finish that I will finish the short story - which is coming along nicely). Maybe a combination of both. My Minn rep told me about an electronic gadget that lets you watch TV when you aren't at home. Sounds cool.

Piled up the books that I'm in the middle of. There are ten. They include a book by Nevada Barr (too scary to read on planes), Plum Spooky (funny, but I find myself stopping after a chapter or so), the first Anita Blake book (again scary and dark, a little too), the second Dresden File (not sure why I stopped that one, it was good), an Elizabeth Moon book (Paks)....the list goes on.

So in addition to turning another year older next month I will attempt to finish February, read the remainder of those books, complete the DVD course on writing better sentences and be a better friend, sister, wife, mother, manager...person. I might need help with the last bit.

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