Thursday, December 5, 2013


I accidentally walked three and a half miles today. I meant to only go for a short walk, but then I got to talking on the phone and whoosh, before you knew it I had gone the long way round the golf course. As I made my way back my golf instructor drove by and yelled for me to schedule my next lesson. I shouted back that I would, then apologized to the poor woman I was chatting with on the phone, realizing too late that I'd screamed in her ear.

And, because I'm determined, I did the third day of my 5K preparation, which meant another two miles, but this time running (sort of running), uphill (only one way), in the dark (dusk really, running in the dark is scary). So I'm pooped. My word count goal will likely not be reached tonight.

But, because I'm procrastinating I realized that the scene I'm writing would be better served with a little more angst. Muhahahahaha! Nothing like taking out frustration on poor, unwitting fictional characters. If I get a thousand words in tonight it will make me very happy.

Speaking of books, I am a fan of a book club that Felicia Day runs (called Vaginal Fantasy, but it's not what you think). They read paranormal romance, which I do not, but I enjoy their conversations and banter. It is fun to watch them discuss books I have never heard of and will likely never read. What follows is a text exchange with my sister in which I was trying (and failing) to explain what the book club was about. Enjoy (my comments are in green). (Also if you want to see what the book club IS about, go to this link.)

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