Sunday, March 27, 2011


This video is from another American flight, but it might as well be the one I was just on.  The main difference between Southwest and any other airline is the attitude of their flight attendants.  After listening to this video again, I must ask...How on earth (or sky) does preventing the poor sods in the back of the plane from using the bathroom in the front of the plane make us safer?  150 people to two restrooms versus 12 to one.  And I love how after warning us to remove our legs and elbows lest we get trampled on by heavy carts and reminding us we may in fact be shot if we venture past the curtain and into first class, they pause and ask us to relax and enjoy the flight.

Was in Dallas for less than twenty-four hours.  Landed, rented a car, checked in at hotel, woke up, went to appointment, returned car and waited for plane.  That is about it.

Had a celebrity sighting in the airport.  Saw a woman I was sure I must have met in an appointment in the Dallas area.  Could not for the life of me remember her name.  Made polite eye contact and turned away hoping that she didn't recognize me.  Then, after a minute of processing the information deep in the recesses of my brain, realized that it was one of the actresses from The Office - Phyllis.  I wonder if she gets that a lot, people thinking she must be someone they worked with.

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