Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Kauai - The Last Day

Being over-achievers we bolted out of bed at 5:45am Hawaiian time, threw on our clothes, grabbed toast, and headed out for Waimea Canyon.  Drove west then north this time, skirting Barking Sands and heading straight up a narrow winding highway.  It was cloudy and rainy and at each overlook we were joined only by chickens.

We drove and drove till we could drive no more.  Literally.  The road ended.  There was a trail heading, so we took it.  I wish we had more time, because it looked wonderful, the weather was perfect, and my sense of adventure was tingling (much like it does when I'm about to go on a new ride at Disneyland).

Reluctantly we turned around and headed back to the car, passing a man on the trail who asked us if this was the "blabber blabber" trail and I responded "Yes, why yes it is" having no idea what he had actually called it.  I don't know why I did it.  A last act of Hawaiian rebellion, maybe.
The Blabber Blabber Trail
We raced back to the hotel, hastily packed, hurled our suitcases into the Jeep, and then I took a leisurely stroll on the beach - breathing deeply as I allowed the warm ocean water to bathe my feet.  We ate a healthy lunch of french fries and fish tacos at Duke's, walked slowly past the beach again, then raced to the airport, rushed through security, made last minute purchases at the terminal gift shop (shhhh don't tell anyone), and pushed and shoved our way onto the plane.

Middle seat = Grumpy Me.  And I caught a cold on the plane ride home.  Really?  Really?  Plus my fake tan is fading.  So I'm actually paler than when I went to Hawaii.  Not possible, you say?  Unfortunately it is.

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