Friday, November 11, 2011

When they were young...

Oh, if we could just orchestrate their happiness though the rough pre-teen and teen years as easily as it seems possible when they are just starting out.  I was a focused mommy and auntie - paid attention to all the little things, made sure they had the right blankey or stuffed animal next to them as they fell asleep, had a hand out to prevent the trips and falls as best I could, and knew just what face to make to send them into hysterical giggles.

It's not as easy anymore - not that it was easy then, but at least I was right more than I was wrong.  Today I'm wracked with self-censorship, sometimes successfully biting my tongue before I say something like "That looks like a pajama shirt" or "Are you ever going to cut your hair?"  But more often than not, I blurt out exactly what I'm thinking (a trait I share with my favorite character - Sam) and that gets me into trouble.

I really really need them to cast off the hyper self-awareness and negativity casserole they are stewing in and come back down to blissful basics.  They are good people.  I love them.  That should really be all that matters.

As I write this my son is sticking his head over the top of my computer explaining what our work out is going to be tomorrow.  Earlier this week he decided to be my trainer.  And even though I complained all through my first work out with him three days ago, he does not seem fazed.  In fact, it seems as if he's deriving tremendous joy from my agony.

I must have done something right.

1 comment:

  1. Good mommies and aunties just do the best they can. Our kidlets are lucky to have you in their lives. Fobody's Nerfect! :)
