Monday, November 7, 2011

#1 Plumber

Driving home today I passed a blue pick up truck with the informational notice that the driver was #1 in Plumbing.  "Well, whoop-dee-do," I thought, and then, "How does he know this?"

Was it a self-proclaimed title?  And if it was, can everyone join in?

Why not...

I am #1 in partially read novels.  I'm also #1 in phenomenal Christmas gift ideas that somehow don't get purchased in time.  AND I'm #1 in stacks of magazines that never hit the trash bin but pile up in various corners of my house until I become frustrated and throw them all out read or not.


My uncle recently had a stroke and is in the ICU.  I love him.  A lot.  That's me resting my shoulder on his when he was a youngin' and I was even littler (1973).

1998 - With Sarah, cracking his jokes, even though she was only three months.
2011 - With Jake at Dad's service.
I can't imagine my world without him, so I spent the weekend at the hospital, and when it was just him and me for a moment I whispered it in his ear.  I know he heard me.

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