Sunday, October 2, 2011

A party...

We awoke early, crammed six of us into a car and flew like the wind to Boulder City for a party.  My sister desperately tried to study Organic Chemistry in the back seat, my husband surprised himself by being able to sleep (when it wasn't his turn to drive), and my children restrained themselves from causing each other bodily harm.  My aunt and uncle decorated their clubhouse, ordered delicious Mexican food and everything went off without a hitch.  We even managed to make it home that night in less than five hours and without one potty stop.
This would have been the best picture ever, but my husband ruined it by holding up the ice cream.
Better.  My cousin, my grandma and me.
Grandma and her friends.  She's the only one who drives.  My husband says it's like high school..."Oh, you have a license? Let's ride!  Take us to the casinos!!"  And what's up with the wall art?

Although my family would rank high on an insanity scale (but then again, whose wouldn't) we love each other fiercely and tons of fun was had.  As the sun was setting, I hung out with the kids near the pool.  They were pretending they were in jail, so I asked them for their bad guy monikers.  The littlest one began to name everyone - Mask, for her, Unexpected Sponge, for my daughter (because there was a really gross sponge nearby), and Water, for her brother (I later renamed him Poseidon...sounded more ominous).  I should have asked for my name...

And - January Kills Me is doing extremely well on Amazon.  I'm currently the only indie author on some of the top listings.  During all the parting and driving yesterday, I did manage to upload the right file to Amazon...WHEW.
Where my book was today on the Suspense category listing.  Since it may never happen again, look who I'm in between. :)

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