Saturday, October 18, 2014


I'm fairly sure someone in China is spamming my blog. The blog I never write anymore. The blog I need to get back to. The blog which will one day rule the world. MUHAHAHAHAH....cough.

I have two sisters. One is passionate about music and music education. The other is passionate about all things nutrition. I am passionate about....something, perhaps even a lot of things, but nothing that singularly defines me. So, other than my family, which if you see the faces above you can see why we are passionate about them, what else is something that would end the sentence, "She loved..."?

Science - Yes. This is true. And not just any science. Primarily astrophysics. Why am I not a scientist? Because the social aspects of school paralyzed me.

Creating things - Yes. This is also true. I love taking a piece of fake leather and making a halloween costume. A costume so fun that strangers stop my son and ask to take his picture (It was King Mickey). I like making whole books out of slivers of ideas. I like thinking about funny vlogs I can do with my friends.

Traveling - Yes. This is partially true. I love visiting new long as the plane ride isn't too much, there is a Starbucks somewhere long the way, and evenings are spent at a nice place with plumbing.

Iced Tea - Basically my one true passion other than my family. That's how you would end the sentence. "She loved iced tea." Maybe I could create an iced tea that would taste delicious in space and travel on Virgin Galactic to test it out. PASSIONS COMBINED!

Spam away, China. My work is done. I'm a passionate brewer of tea designed for space travel.

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