Monday, February 18, 2013

If I had an assistant...

If I had an assistant I would sign up for Create Space and create print versions of my books.  I would also utilize their help with editing and design.  I have been researching their website and when I have time I will do it - assistant or no.

I would also do an audiobook of my book.  I would narrate it myself, because I love Sam's voice and it would be wonderful to have everyone hear her the way I hear her.  To do that I would need more audio tools than I currently have, but THE TIME IS COMING WHEN I SHALL BE OMNI-PRESENT...*cough

But since I can't afford an assistant and have no time, these things shall wait.  Which isn't as bad as it seems, because what little time I have is spent writing April Undercover.  Tonight I wrote a scene in a retirement home.  It is strange how characters who are relatively new (creation-wise) quickly become people I would love to meet.  I think I see a game of bingo (or two) in my immediate future.  For research of course.

Speaking of research - for this book I shall have to learn more about the Russian mafia code of ethics (which I'm sure exists), the weight limit for a food truck, and how to survive without snacks or a cellphone for twenty-four hours (shiver - the horror!).

How much is an assistant?
Beautiful, warm day in sunny Southern California means husband slaves all day in the backyard.  On the bright side, the kids won't be injured when rotting wood gives way and collapses on top of them.

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