The bronze is George Washington |
The main street was filled with large statues, all looking quite impressive in their wintery layers.
Victorious Charge |
This was was just outside our lunch spot - Louise's (really good Italian food!!) and the Milwaukee Bar Association. The statue was dedicated to Immigrant Mothers. Knowing that I had family from the area I looked close to see if she looked familiar, but it was a little chilly, so I didn't look very hard.
Then it was back toward Chicago with a side stop to Northwestern University. We toured the campus, braving snow flurries and college kids to get to the Lacrosse Field so we could check out the University's private beach. From here you can see all the way to the Chicago skyline. The water was pretty choppy and by this time it was starting to do more than just lightly snow.
Rounding a corner we came across a beautiful lighthouse. Really wanted to tour it, but there was no time.
So two college campuses in one day, a city I'd never been to before and an unrivaled view of Lake Michigan. Not bad for a day's work.
You're making good use of your travel time! ;)