Friday, November 26, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving 2010

"Dear Founding Fathers..."
And so began the annual grace before our humongous holiday meal.  My sister wonders why we insist she say grace and yet it becomes obvious as soon as she starts.  I was one and half beers in so it was extra funny.  And serious as she mentioned those that couldn't be there.

We ate, lounged near coma in our chairs, then finally headed out into the cold for our annual Thanksgiving walk.

I was mocked this year because I watched a Martha Stewart special about pie making a week ago.  It was the first one I have watched in a few years, but I needed to.  I had to learn how to make a perfect pie crust.  And it worked, so they can mock all they want.  I kept the dough cold, didn't mix in the butter and shortening too much and added just enough water.  My crust was flaky and delicious - a first.  And since I was making three pies (pumpkin, pecan and apple) it was also essential.

After the pie we watched football, then headed out as a unit to see Harry Potter - AWESOME!  So wonderful.  We took over the front row and my darling niece did her best not to give things away (since she's seen it twice before and she is rather vocal during movies, this was hard on her).

The kids spent the night with their Auntie and Grandparents and if the reports are correct, played Revolution (a really fun board game) till midnight.  Picked them up about noon and we decked the halls.  Watched Bama lose to Auburn, Oregon stomp on Arizona and now watching really bad camera work covering the Boise v. Nevada game (a game that would have been much more exciting had the Crimson Tide kept the lead).

Am going shopping tomorrow and cannot think how to make this weekend more perfect.  Love my family.

1 comment:

  1. Dinner was delicious and the day was festive and cheerful! Thank you for taking over Thanksgiving dinner. You do a great job - with ease. The pie crusts were as good as Grandma's! Scot's smoked turkey was delicious, too!
    Love you,
