Friday, August 13, 2010

Belated Birthday Post

After being informed that it would make their Auntie's heart sing if they tried some hot tea, both Sarah and Jake refused. Then hearing that they would be paid a dollar, eagerly signed up. Here is Jake's experience.

Top five moments in "Single Working Mom" experience while Scott is away:

  1. Left garden hose on for over an hour. I meant to just fill up the play pool for Fiona. Then forgot and we left for dinner. Thus my intention for good became fodder for evil. Will pay water bill making Muhahahaha sounds. Low light.
  2. Went to first golf lesson with Sarah and Jake. Instructor was four feet tall with a beer belly. I laughed a lot and that seemed to make him a little uncomfortable. Other than having to pull up my pants after every few balls I did not make a complete fool of myself. We'll count this as a highlight.
  3. Showered this morning. Trust me, this is a highlight.
  4. Enormous amounts of dog poop in my backyard. Knowing I have to pooper scooper tomorrow is a low light. Knowing that I'll have to pooper scooper two days from now...super low light.
  5. Addicted to Avatar (the 2005 cartoon). Jake will purposefully put an episode on if I'm passing by the television. My butt sits down and my attention is riveted until the credits. I giggle, I worry, I am happy good triumphs over evil. Wish all television was this good. Highlight.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't Jake and Sarah old enough to do the poop scooping?
    Taking care of their dogs is part of the job. :)
    Love you, Mom
