Monday, July 19, 2010

Chapter Eighteen

This was it, I told myself, the chapter I needed to finish the book. But was it? NOOOOOOO. It wasn't. Sadly, I didn't get to the big Martin death scene. Maxie didn't get to finish him off. She'll have to wait till Chapter Nineteen.

But Chapter Eighteen is done. Finally. On to Nineteen, then a small Chapter Twenty and we're done. Almost to 300 pages now. Back to cruising.

Also managed to get within a few percentage points of Jake on Potter Legos. With a few solid hours of work I will pass him before I head to Minnesota this week. Hah! Take that tiny human!


  1. You get him, Kath. While you are gone, I'll sit on his hands so you don't get behind. And stop giving away key plot points! I want to be SURPRISED!

  2. 300 pages is awesome. :-)
