Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Random thoughts when stressed...

Sarah's science teacher is the bomb.  That's his classroom above.  Sarah says it's annoying that they can't see the clock, but I say "HUZZAH!  Down with society mandated time constraints!  Up with charting our futures with Earth's orbit, season to season, night to day..."  I loved it.

I love my mother.  She is dealing with so much and yet she dedicated two whole days to pouring over my pages, diligently marking commas and pointing out those ridiculous mistakes that emerge when you edit in time bubbles.  Every time she marked something as "funny" it made me smile.

My grandmother's birthday party is this weekend.  She turns ninety.  We're very proud of her, but deep down inside we are all seething with jealousy.  She's funny, beautiful, has tremendous character, created a wonderful family, and doesn't look a day over sixty.  I just know that when I'm older, my children will be politely saying "You don't look a day over seventy, mom," not realizing I'm only sixty.  Of course, I also know I won't be line dancing or swimming in pools past the age of fifty-five.  Don't ask me why, I just know these things about myself.

Grandma - And three of her children.


  1. Laurel used to edit my sons and daughters papers in high school and college. The kids hated it because they would have to do the papers over (no computers). After our daughter graduate from Murray State . Laurel showed my daughter a piece Laurel was writing for a class in night school she was taking and Allison edited it in red ink for mom. Laurel had to do the paper over of course.

  2. Laurel will not edit anything I do. Too many fights. That is why most of my websites/stuff are unedited.

  3. Laurel sounds like a very good mom...and a patient wife. :)
