Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year 2011

It's that time of year.  Time for resolutions.  Some I know feel that New Year's resolutions are as productive as washing your car right before a rain, but I have witnessed their power.  And so, I go bravely into 2011 with these goals in mind...

  1. Sing more.  I will not let the wails of unappreciation (mainly from my children) stop me from blaring out my favorite tunes.
  2. Believe in the power of a good lotion and use it often...mainly on my hands, which are dry.
  3. Stop watching General Hospital for a week and see how it goes.  I have a sneaking suspicion that I might feel better, my writing may improve (not to mention my complexion) and I might suspect my fellow airplane passengers less of being my long lost twin grandfather's cousin from Hungary who wants to bring over his 80 relatives and use my house as a brothel.  (That isn't really a story line, but it might as well be.)
  4. Write Thank You Notes.  I have plenty of paper, so there really is no excuse.
I have many more serious ones in mind - exercise, health, mental well-being - but that doesn't make them any more important than the ones above.  It should be mentioned that I also plan on putting both January and February on PubIt this month.  They will be available for purchase for $1.99 each.  I'm also going to make a few book copies for those family and friends who don't have access to ebooks.

And that's it.  Here's a photo of me with one of my favorite gifts of the season (with my future bro-in-law).  My sister also gave me Yoda inspired items.  Love being a geek.

Merry Merry...Happy Happy...Yeah.  All that.


  1. Happy New Year and may Yoda Bless every thing you do.

  2. I love the one about singing more! Get Sarah to sing with you. I'm buying your books for Dad's Nook. Love you, my funny daughter!

  3. Thanks Tom and Mom!! Love the Yoda blessing!
